Thursday, 31 March 2016


 Hey there...So here goes my first blog... And I am so excited... Hope you come back for more.... Something I wrote a while ago. Thought I would share it with you....

Love makes the world go round. So they say. Some even say that one cannot survive without love. Well I thought it's oxygen that one cannot survive without. Love is a beautiful thing. I think it's a need that every human being craves for. Just to know that there is someone who thinks you are so special and all they want to do is make you happy. Just to see a smile on your face. But you can agree with me that not all love stories end well.

Any relationship that comes to an end brings with it pain and hurt. It does not matter whether the reason for ending it was a good reason or not. It still hurts. There is no better way of breaking a heart. But the good news is that the pain does not last forever. The Bible says in Psalm 30:5"For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."The same bible states that " The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit." Ecclesiastes 7:8When a relationship comes to a end we are left with one option. TO MOVE ON. But dong it is not as easy as we say it. We stay there trying to fix things in the hope that they will go back to what they used to be. This is called denial. we end up staying in the same place of pain, hurt and misery longer than we are supposed to. What we don't realize is that the longer we take to accept and move on, the longer it will take for us to actually heal and whole again.

So we stay there, trying to pick up the broken pieces. Hey!just leave the damn pieces on the floor and move on.

Now moving on is easy. The trick is staying moved on. The truth is in any disconnection, there has to be pain. There is no easy way. You just didn't wake up one morning and fell in love with this person. Each day you loved them more than the day before. The love grew with each passing day. so getting over this person will require you to be patient and heal gradually.There is no magic about it. And I know right now everything reminds you of them. suddenly all the radio stations are playing all your favorite music, and you can't seem to see any other car on the road but his car and etc. But hey!wake up n smell the coffee. It's over. And the pain will soon be over too.
Moving is a decision one has to make. You make this decision without getting your emotions involved. Some things have to die so others can grow... unless a seed dies, it's impossible for that seed to bear fruit. Allow some things to die. Keep walking. Keep moving forward. Don't look backwards."I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 Just keep moving forward.Decide to move on and stay moved on.

And I know your probably asking. But Ruth, what about the scar? Will it go away? The answer is NO. And am sure you have some few marks or even just one scar on your body. Probably you only remember you have it when you see it. The pain is completely gone, but the scar is still there. Each time you see this scar, let it remind you that you are so strong and bold that you made it through that horrible, heart breaking experience. Just like in a battle.There is always someone who has to die and one who survives. But the survivor gets out of the battle with scars. But even with the scars, you agree with me that he is  still the winner. So don't worry about the scar. Instead thank God for it. Thank God for the scar.
