Hey there. It's been a minute. But am back. Hoping you've been keeping well. So,today I wanna share a little bit of my story with you with the intentions of inspiring. I do pray that by the end of this read, you'll be inspired
I have so much to say I don't even know how to begin. But maybe I shall start by asking a question. What is the ultimate goal in life?
Is it to have lots of money? Drive big cars and live in big houses? Or maybe have the most handsome husband or the most beautiful wife and adorable kids?
Could it be having your kids go to the best schools in town? Maybe being a celebrity? What is it really?
Why do we work so hard everyday? We work so hard for a life we want to have in the future forgetting that the future is now. I mean, we are not promised tomorrow. Ten years ago, the future was ten years to come. It seemed so far. But now that it is here,ten years ago seems like yesterday.
What am I saying? I am trying to say, that in as much as it is important to work hard for tomorrow, let's not forget to enjoy the now. Because the now is what you have. The now is what it is.
At some point in my life I was so hard pressed with life's issues. Had no money. I was still a student then. Was living on my own but it seemed like life was just not happening for me. You know?
I didn't have money. I used to walk to school just to be able to save the 20 shillings that would help me get dinner in the evening when I returned home from school. I thought all I needed was money. How life would change if only I had good money. To have bus fare. And a decent meal. Maybe a beautiful decent house. I was almost convinced that having these things would make me happy.
A time came in my life and I had money. A good amount of money. Millions. I ate whatever I wanted. Bought whatever I needed. Lived in a good house. Was I happy? Yes. But not content.
The same year, I broke up with my then boyfriend. The pain was unbearable. I cried myself to sleep every night. Did I have the money? Yes. The good house? Yes. Decent meals? Yes. Was I a celebrity? Yes. Good car? Yes. But all these things couldn't take away the pain I felt. If I was asked to have peace of mind and joy in place of all these things, I'd have chosen peace and joy.
Life is not about what we have on the outside. It's about what we have on the inside. We can have all these things but still be miserable. We hear of famous rich people committing suicide. It's not about what we have in terms of material things. Don't get me wrong. Am not saying, we don't need them. We do. But our joy and happiness should not depend on them.
Growing up, I always dreamt of having a grand wedding. I looked forward to the day I would get married. My goodness! I really wanted twins (I still do).Had even gotten their names on paper. I wanted to get married at 25. I soon was 25 but not married. So I pushed to 28. I soon was 28 and again pushed to 30.
Lol. I just turned 30 two months ago and am still not married. But guess what? Am not worried. I am happy. I decided to enjoy life while I wait. Pursue my dreams and inspire a couple of lives.
I decided to focus on my dreams and aspirations.
By the grace of God, I now have my music school. (Ruth Matete Music Academy located on Development house 12th floor along Moi avenue, Nairobi, Kenya)
Am I happy? Yes. Do I still wanna get married? Yes. Do I get lonely at times? Yes. But I have learnt to live a happy life regardless.
Happiness comes from within. It is a choice that one has to make everyday when they wake up.
The ultimate goal in life should be to be happy. What makes another happy is not necessarily what will make you happy.
You must find out what makes you happy. Music makes me happy. I decided to stop looking for other ways of making me happy and decided to focus on one.
I can tell you, it's been worthwhile. I am a worship leader at my church. I record music as well as perform in events. I teach vocals at my school. I train worship teams on the meaning of worship and the art of leading worship.
Everything about me is music. This is what makes me happy.
To conclude on this long post, let me say this. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are uniquely you and special as you are. Find out what makes you happy and nurture it. Pray to God. He surely will help you in identifying it. Allow me to also say this especially to the single ladies. Getting married and having a beautiful family is great and indeed a blessing..But let not that be your ultimate goal. Find something to do. Find something you can be passionate about. Something you can still work on even after you're married. You'll get married then what? A woman with passion is more attractive than one without. One of my male friends once told me that. And now I understand.
The ultimate goal in life is to be happy. Be bold enough to walk away from people and things that threaten your happiness and peace of mind. You are in charge of your happiness.
Happiness is within, not without.