Thursday, 25 October 2018



One day you'll wake up, and you'll feel it.
One day you'll wake up, and you'll know it. 
One day you'll wake up, and you'll admit it.
One day you'll wake up, and you'll see it
One day you'll wake up and you'll realize it

You'll feel, that you have changed
You'll know, that you have changed
You'll admit, that you have changed
You'll see, that you have changed
You'll realize, that you have changed

But then again, allow me to replace one word there. "Changed". I'll replace it with the word "grown"
Yes. Grown..oh! Wait a second.. This sounds even better!  "Outgrown". Yes! Outgrown is the word. (I feel like am in the "aha" moment😂)

But seriously, there's a point you get to in life, when you've been there! done that! and got the T-shirt!  And nothing else will matter but sanity,  peace and joy.
You'll have outgrown some people, some things, some habits, some fears. Some worries. The uncertainty of the future won't scare you anymore.  You'll be excited. You'll look forward to what each day will bring. You'll see the present for what it really is; A present. A gift.  And you'll treasure it.

This day, won't just happen. This day won't just come. But more Importantly, this day, is not a destination. This day is a process. Like a child who outgrows breast milk to eating solid food, so are we all. It's a process. One that takes time. You can't rush it. Nope!  But one day, you will wake up,call yourself for a meeting. You will ask yourself very hard questions! Like reaaaally hard questions.. But guess what? You will answer those questions. Why? Because you had the answers all this time. What you didnt have though, was the Courage to be true to YOURSELF. Yap! Yes. Yourself.  This time, the answers will not only be true, but honest as well.  It is on this day, that you will know that you are a different person. Freedom! Freedom is the only word I can find that describes the feeling you'll get when that day comes..

To some of us, the day has already come..Some of us feel we are almost getting to that day. And some, hhmm.. We have no clue of what that day is and if it even exists.. Whatever stage you are at, be patient. Like I said. It's a process. One that takes time. One that can't be rushed. But it will come.....One day...


Luxo 😊


Sunday, 21 October 2018


Hey there😊
I'm so sorry it's been a whole year since I was here.  I was setting up a music school (Matete Music School), among other things. But am back and will try to be consistent by the grace of God. 😊
Missed you though😢

So one time, one wise woman told me that at no point in time, will we have everything figured out.  There will always be something that we are working towards to make it better..  This day when I went to her, it felt like I was always chasing after something..  When my money was right, my relationship was not. When my friendships were working, my health was not..
Immediately I find a breakthrough in one issue, another issue was up needing my attention..

And so that was the order of the day.. But from that meeting that day, I learned that in deed, we will always have a challenge or a situation that is not so pleasant.. so the solution is not to try and fix everything, but learn to enjoy each moment while trying to fix it..

But then again, sometimes we are busy trying so hard to fix certain things yet, not everything that is broke, needs to be fixed.. Sometimes just let it be.. If your phone's cracked screen doesn't stop you from using the phone, please go ahead and use it as it is..  (I've fixed mine twice now 😂😂... I have no intention of doing it again)

Don't bother fixing it if the need to fix the screen, is draining your energy and giving you sleepless nights.. The phone is working! Period!

Sometimes, it's not situations that are in need of fixing, but rather we that are broken and need fixing.. But then again even though we may be broken, we don't necessarily need fixing.. In the pursuit of fixing ourselves, we lose ourselves. We start to live in the future. We stop living in the now.. Too obsessed with fixing...Just stop!!!

At one Point in our lives, we receive some news that changes our lives completely.  The death of a loved one.. You have to learn how to live without them. Doctor's report that your condition has no cure, but you can learn how to live with it or control it..  You may become a burden to your family and friends. But hey, life has to go on. You have to adjust your mind,heart,soul to the fact that they may not always be there no matter how much they love you or want to be there for you..
You Begin to prepare for your crush landing.. Safe landing... Whatever kind of landing you wanna have..

Truth is this, we are human and at one point we run out of patience. Everybody wants a great life. To be happy and enjoy. After all, YOLO, (You Only Live Once) . That's what they say

It would be so sad to put your life in the hands of human beings.. To believe that they will always be there.  Consider this scripture

Jeremiah 17:5 KJV
Thus saith the Lord ; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord .

I've learned that we sometimes put our lives in the hands of people and expect them to do, say the right things all the time.. But because they are just as human as we are, they have their short comings and they will fail us, hurt us, disappoint us one way or the other.. Not because they hate us, or they don't love us. No. They are just human

What is the solution? Try and change them? 😂 That even sounds funny😂..  Tell them that they hurt us with what they do? Then what? Tomorrow they'll do it again..  Stop loving them maybe? Nope!! The heart's not so smart😂😂😂

Leave? Disown them? Cheat? End the friendship? What if it's blood? Your Parents, sister. Will you disown them? Absolutely not
But I have a solution 😊

A secret I recently learned. Trust in the Lord. Yap! That simple. When you focus on Jesus Christ, the things of this world, strangely grow dim.  Consider this scripture again...

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

It is only God who can change the hearts of people. Only Him who will never leave.. Only one who will keep to the promise.. Don't hate them when they leave, or when they get tired..You too gave up on some people.. In the end, this is the truth. Hard truth.  Everyone for themselves.. God for us all. But God won't be for you if you don't allow Him to be..

Stop stressing over who leaves, will leave, left, may leave..Enjoy the moment. Trust in God. He won't leave.. He won't get tired. He won't get bored. He won't think you're too much. He won't think you're pretending. He won't think you need fixing. He is not looking for perfect..He loves you just as you are.  He knows you. You won't  have to explain a thing to Him. He knows it before you think of telling Him.. My dear rest in the Lord. Busk in His unfailing love.  He alone can fix what is broke.

Kindly leave a  comment, let me know your thoughts😊
