Thursday, 25 October 2018



One day you'll wake up, and you'll feel it.
One day you'll wake up, and you'll know it. 
One day you'll wake up, and you'll admit it.
One day you'll wake up, and you'll see it
One day you'll wake up and you'll realize it

You'll feel, that you have changed
You'll know, that you have changed
You'll admit, that you have changed
You'll see, that you have changed
You'll realize, that you have changed

But then again, allow me to replace one word there. "Changed". I'll replace it with the word "grown"
Yes. Grown..oh! Wait a second.. This sounds even better!  "Outgrown". Yes! Outgrown is the word. (I feel like am in the "aha" momentπŸ˜‚)

But seriously, there's a point you get to in life, when you've been there! done that! and got the T-shirt!  And nothing else will matter but sanity,  peace and joy.
You'll have outgrown some people, some things, some habits, some fears. Some worries. The uncertainty of the future won't scare you anymore.  You'll be excited. You'll look forward to what each day will bring. You'll see the present for what it really is; A present. A gift.  And you'll treasure it.

This day, won't just happen. This day won't just come. But more Importantly, this day, is not a destination. This day is a process. Like a child who outgrows breast milk to eating solid food, so are we all. It's a process. One that takes time. You can't rush it. Nope!  But one day, you will wake up,call yourself for a meeting. You will ask yourself very hard questions! Like reaaaally hard questions.. But guess what? You will answer those questions. Why? Because you had the answers all this time. What you didnt have though, was the Courage to be true to YOURSELF. Yap! Yes. Yourself.  This time, the answers will not only be true, but honest as well.  It is on this day, that you will know that you are a different person. Freedom! Freedom is the only word I can find that describes the feeling you'll get when that day comes..

To some of us, the day has already come..Some of us feel we are almost getting to that day. And some, hhmm.. We have no clue of what that day is and if it even exists.. Whatever stage you are at, be patient. Like I said. It's a process. One that takes time. One that can't be rushed. But it will come.....One day...


Luxo 😊



  1. Wooow! I guess i am in that moment. Thank you for sharing this

    1. niice... 😍 Glad to know you're there. It's a peaceful place

  2. If this isn't just the absolute truth. As a young adult I have not had too many of them but the one(s) that have attended my way suffice to serve as a testament to the truth of your post.

    PS: Your writing skills have beautifully bloomed. I will be your avid reader. Always

    1. Thanks for the comment. Also, for the complement. However, stil working on my English.. You seem to be well informed on it.. πŸ˜‚

  3. Great piece with much wisdom

  4. This moment is very refreshing when it happens. Thanks for this reminder

  5. I have truly grown and outgrown😍😍😍

    1. I'm happy for you..being in this place. It's a peaceful thing

  6. Awesome Piece Dear.... I Love!

  7. Naked truth trimmed in a glamorous educational way

  8. 100 percent true, growth owes no one an apology. Nice piece

    1. You are absolutely right... We don't need to apologize for outgrowing..

  9. Nice one the challenges od our life's makes us grow

    1. Somehow, it's like life doesn't give us an option. We just have to grow. Outgrow

  10. My take home. . . It's a process to a destination (One day )

    1. I'm glad you had something to take home.. 😊😊
      Destination it is

  11. That aha! Moment. As I read this my stomach rumbled to the this truth. Beautiful piece!.

  12. Love it... Its true, the truth is WE OUT GROW!! interesting read Luxo

  13. Thanks alot for passing by😊

  14. Wow! Profound!One day.....I will outgrow....😁😁..... dint know ur also a good writer gal!....Thumbs up!!

  15. I have enjoyed the read. Well done!

  16. I have enjoyed the read. Well done!

  17. A great read to remind us that the answers have always sat right there in our hearts. Its courage we didnt have then... Thanks for provoking us to look inside.
